About Montessori

 “We adults must see the real humanity in children, the humanity which will take our place one day, if we are to have social progress. Social progress means that the next generation is better than the one before.”   ~ Dr. Maria Montessori, The 1946 London Lectures

Dr. Maria Montessori was an Italian physician, educator, and scientist. She developed the pedagogy which later took her name while working with disadvantaged children in inner city Rome.  Dr. Montessori observed that the children showed great interest in working with puzzles, preparing their own food, and caring for the classroom environment. She used her observations to design hands-on learning materials that would allow the children to focus and work peacefully for long periods of time. 

The Montessori method encourages self-motivated learning and promotes growth for children in all areas of their development. Some tenets of Montessori pedagogy include:

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Montessori classrooms resemble the larger community, with a diverse, multi-age group of learners working at their own pace, and each with their own role to play as a valued member.  Students who learn in Montessori classrooms grow up to become confident, self-directed learners, critical thinkers, and enthusiastic members of society who act with integrity and accountability.